
Are Sleeping Tablets the Only Option To Combat Insomnia?

Do you often struggle to fall asleep at night?

No matter how tired you are, all sorts of thoughts start coming to mind as soon as you lie on your bed to sleep?

Do you keep tossing and turning in your bed for hours before finally falling asleep?

If you answered yes to either of the above, then you must feel very tempted to get your hands on over-the-counter sleeping tablets to have a good night’s sleep. If you are suffering from insomnia, then it is highly likely that you are already a regular user of these medications.

However, do you know that even the best sleeping tablets are meant to be used as a last resort to treat insomnia and other associated problems? Chances are that you do not know this.  

A large number of people consider sleeping pills as the first and the only means to cure insomnia. Whereas in reality, sleeping medications are only meant to provide short-term relief for occasional instances of sleeplessness and not meant for long-term use for curing health conditions.

Are There Any Other Treatment Options?

Definitely there are. Insomnia is a health problem which could be a result of depression, stress, pain, emotional issues or some other illness. Identifying and curing the root cause of insomnia should be the very first step of any person suffering from sleeping troubles.

Additionally, following safety guidelines are suggested by health professionals and sleep experts to cure insomnia:

·        Change Your Lifestyle and Behavior

A large number of people have unhealthy lifestyles which is a major contributor to lack of sleep. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can greatly improve your sleep patterns. Simple steps such as making a bed time routine and sticking to it, avoiding heavy meals and caffeine at night, sleeping in dark room and on comfortable bed are the most common suggestions by doctors. In addition to these, sleep experts suggest doing relaxation exercises, yoga, reconditioning and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat insomnia.

Lifestyle and behavioral changes may yield slow results, but they are really effective and sustainable long-term solutions.

·        Meditate

Although many people disagree with benefits of meditation, it produces amazing results for some people suffering from insomnia. This is because meditation helps you ward off all the worries and tell your brain that it is time to relax.

·        Essential Oils Can Help Too

Essential oils have been all the rage lately due to their numerous benefits and they do work well as an alternative way of dealing with certain issues. Every essential oil has unique properties. For example, lavender oil is widely-known for its calming and relaxation properties. According to aromatic healers, research studies have proven that lavender is one of best natural sedatives. Rose oil is also considered helpful in getting good sleep at night.  While the science behind it may be a bit controversial, the reality is that essential oils calm you down, which helps you to fall asleep.

Sleeping tablets should be a choice only when prescribed by your doctor. This is important because even the best sleeping tablets when used without consultation and guidance can be counter-productive.  However, when all else fails, sleeping pills are the only thing which are guaranteed to work.

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